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20 janeiro 2023


Sessão da manhã | Restrita aos alunos do MPGE
Salas E2-0.37 (9:00h-10:30h) / E2-1.43 (11:00h-12:00h)


Abertura dos Trabalhos da manhã
Anabela Tereso
Responsável pela UC Metodologias de Investigação em Gestão de Projetos de Engenharia (MIGPE)


Apresentação das Propostas de Dissertação dos Alunos do 2º ano do MGPE
Moderação: Susana Gabriel
Docente da UC MIGPE

11:00-12:00           Alexandre Fernandes de Castro
Alexandre Oliveira Fontes
Ana Cláudia da Silva Pereira
Ana Rita Faria Gomes
André Mendes Freitas
Bruno Mário Ribeiro de Carvalho
Bruno Miguel Faria Marques
Cleonícia Andrea Quiluange Dombo
Daisy de Moraes Tuhy
Fábio Torres Ferreira
Francisca Moreira Silva
  Hugo Miguel Afonso Lopes
José Miguel da Silva Ferreira
Luís Henrique Vieira Fernandes
Maria Clara Ferreira dos Reis
Maria Helena Barros Araújo
Pedro Alexandre Ferreira Machado
Ricardo Avelino Alves Morais
Ricardo Emanuel Antunes Noversa
Rui Miguel Lameiras Braga Fernandes
Sofia Gonçalves da Costa

Intervalo para almoço

Sessão da tarde 1 | Restrita aos alunos do MPGE
Sala E2-0.24 (13:30h-17:30h)



Abertura da sessão


Anabela Tereso
Direção do MGPE / Dep. Produção e Sistemas




Scheduling game by Prof. Dr. Stefan Creemers | Proove, Belgium

Stefan Creemers – Proove, Belgium
The scheduling game was developed by Prof. Dr. Stefan Creemers and Prof. Dr. Stijn Van de Vonder. It has been played by professionals and students alike. The goal of the scheduling game is to provide insights in the complex business of project scheduling in a fun and interactive way. Stefan Creemers is a Professor at IESEG (Paris, France) and a visiting Professor at KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium). He is also a member of the board of directors of PICS Belgium (the Belgium chapter of APICS). Stijn Van de Vonder is the final boss in the scheduling game, and is also the managing director of Proove.

Sessão da tarde 2 | Aberta a toda a comunidade
Sala E2-0.24 (18:00h-20:00h)



Abertura da sessão / Apresentação do MGPE
João Pedro Couto
Diretor do MGPE / Dep. Engenharia Civil
18:10/18:15 Apresentação APOGEP
Paulo Sousa - Presidente da APOGEP


How data is changing the way projects are being managed
Niels Ligtvoet
Managing director of Proove in Lisbon
19:00/20:00 Cases from the field (EVM, Enterprise resource management, quantitative risk analysis, lean sheduling)
Niels Ligtvoet (EMBA, PMP®️) is the managing director of Proove in Lisbon. Proove is a project controls consulting company originally from Belgium. He was involved in projects across various industries ranging from nuclear waste storage, infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, and offshore wind, to (renewable) energy. At Proove, he is the Expert Service Lead, which holds all the advanced techniques in Project Controls like the implementation of integrated Project Controls systems like Earned Value Management, Quantitative Cost/Schedule Risk Analysis, and Planning Visualization techniques. Great topics to break the ice!


Pedro Ribeiro
Direção do MGPE / Dep. Sistemas de Informação

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