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Master's in System Engineering (MES)


A3ES Acreditation


Brief description

Career prospects

Awards and schorlaships




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A3ES Acreditation
On February 21 of 2020, the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES decided to unconditionally accredit MES, for a period of 6 years, in accordance with the recommendation and justification compiled by the corresponding External Assessment Team. More information on the reports compiled by A3ES .

Students who successfully finish the curricular part of the program are entitled to the following certificates:
Advanced training degree certificate in Systems Engineering (issued by UMinho).

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Brief description
The training in Systems Engineering is aimed at promoting the study of complex and large scale systems through teams and multidisciplinary approaches in industrial, commercial and services companies (public or private health services, advisory services, urban services, transportation systems and distribution, insurance, telecommunications and energy companies, etc.) aiming to develop and implement efficient resource management and optimization solutions.
The curricular units are organized in four consistent groups: Logistics, Industrial Data Processing, Decision and Quality Technologies
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Career prospects 
A professional holding a Master’s in Systems Engineering will be able to perform tasks in every type of organisations: Industry, services companies, public and private health services, advisory services, transportation services, retail, banking, finance and insurance companies, telecommunications, energy systems, etc.
The mainstreaming of the applications and contributions of the Systems Engineering results in a broad education backed by a number of scientific domains, namely, various areas of knowledge in engineering and management.
Systems Engineering analyses important components for the organisations, such as human resources, natural resources, technology, equipment, information and finances, thus contributing for the resolution of critical and complex problems through innovative and interdisciplinary approaches.

An essential and distinctive characteristic of Systems Engineering is the focus on a target approach on the human decision-maker, which contributes for complexity of the systems under consideration while deriving benefits from them.
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Awards and Scholarships
Find information about: scholarships and awards, social emergency fund, academic merit scholarships, excellence grants and other scholarships and awards on the following link: Scholarship and Awards.
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Place: UMinho, Escola de Engenharia, Campus de Gualtar, Braga
Schedule: alunos.uminho.pt.
Regime: daytime
Duration: 2 years
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Conceição Marques – mes@dps.uminho.pt  (+351) 253 60 47 40
Office: Gualtar

Directive Committee
Ana Maria Rocha (DIRECTOR) – dir-mes@dps.uminho.pt 
Lino Costa – lac@dps.uminho.pt
Rui M. Sousa - rms@dps.uminho.pt
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