ReCap 4.0 – news Rui Lima disseminates the ReCap 4.0 project in Lithuania Rui Lima delivered a talk about Assessment in the Context of Active Learning, at Vilnius University, during the Arqus Alliance (https://arqus-alliance.eu/) Summer School on Teaching Innovation. During these talks, Rui Lima disseminated the ReCap 4.0 project website, and all results that are being produced for teaching training in the educational dimensions. The talk was attended by 25 teachers from 5 European Universities: Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Padova (Italy), University of Graz (Austria), University of Leipzig (Germany) and University of Minho (Portugal). |
 Meeting in Asian Institute of Technology at July, 15th |
ReCap4.0 update In the context of the 30th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (https://te2023.ait.ac.th/) held in Thailand from July 11th to July 14th, several articles presenting some project's results were presented. Subsequently, a meeting took place on July 15th at the Asian Institute of Technology to discuss the current status of the project. |
 Photo taken during one of workshops developed in UMinho partner |
Competence Development Project for Thailand http://recap4.ait.ac.th/our-project/ Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Rui Lima (coordenador UMinho), Diana Mesquita, Rui Sousa, Lino Costa, Cristiano de Jesus, Anabela Alves, Erik Lopes e Bruno Gonçalves |
 30th October 2020, Kickoff meeting, Malta |
ICARUS An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches https://icarusproject.edu.mt/erasmus/ Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships Prof. Goran Putnik |
 07th June 2018, Buscarest |
EXTEND Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tadjikistan. http://fsd.rtu.lv/2018/01/05/erasmus-ka2project-extend/ Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building Rui Lima, Diana Mesquita and Maria Assunção Flores |
 12th to 13th Feb. 2018 Thailand |
MSIE4.0 Curriculum Development of Master’s Degree Program in Industrial Engineering for Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry http://ise-portal.ait.ac.th/ Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building Rui M. Lima (coordinator, UMinho), Diana Mesquita, Rui Sousa, Teresa Monteiro, José Telhada |
 6th-7th November 2017, Stockholm, Sweden |
Tiphys Social Network based doctoral Education on Industry 4.0 http://www.tiphys.eu/ Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships Prof. Goran Putnik |
 31st October 2017 Training Course DPS, UMinho Portugal |
nnovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity https://ilalean.prz.edu.pl/en/ Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships Rui Sousa (coordinator) and Dinis Carvalho |
 05th to 09th September 2017 DPS, UMinho Portugal |
EUCA-InVEst Investing in Entrepreneurial Universities in Caucasus and Central Asia Workshop. Improving the skills and competencies of staff working at CreaLABs http://www.euca-invest.eu/ Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building Paulo Afonso |