1st Semester |
Jorge Cunha Assistant Professor Director of the Master of Industrial Engineering
| Economics for Engineering (5 ECTS) T:15; TP:15 Master’s in Industrial Engineering—6517
Topics of economics: supply and demand, determinants, equilibrium, elasticity, theory of production, market structures. Economic selection of alternatives: financial mathematics, equipment selection, investment appraisal. Cost accounting and management: fundamentals on costs, classification, production costs, cost volume-profits analysis, joint costs, work in progress, costing systems, cost management practices. |
Nélson Costa Assistant Professor
| Ergonomics and Occupational Health and Safety (5 ECTS) T:22,5; TP:15 Master’s in Industrial Engineering—6515
Introduction to Ergonomics. Approach to ergonomic workstations. Occupational biomechanics. Quantification of risk associated with conducting activities handling of loads. Physical work environment. Exposure to noise. Exposure to extreme thermal environments. Thermal comfort. Characterization of lighting conditions. Identification, definition and selection of measures of collective and individual protection. Chemical contaminants. Concept of work accident. Statistics of industrial accidents. Risk analysis. Applicable legislation. Organization of activities of Safety and Occupational Health. |
Lino Costa Associate Professor
Filipe Alvelos Associate Professor
| Experimental Statistics and Operational Research (7,5 ECTS) T:30; LP:22,5 Master’s in Industrial Engineering—6513
Introduction. Descriptive Statistics. Probability and probability distributions. Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing. Contingency Tables. Analysis of Variance. Regression and Correlation. Non Parametric Statistics. Introduction to Operational Research. Linear and integer programming models for optimization problems. Exact solution methods: simplex, branch-and-bound, cutting planes. Sensitivity analysis in linear programming. Introduction to constructive and local search heuristics. Applications: location, transportation and distribution, project scheduling, resources assignment, production planning. Use of software: spreadsheets. |
Sameiro Carvalho Associate Professor
Dinis Carvalho Associate Professor
| Operations Management (7,5 ECTS) T:30; TP:22,5 Master’s in Industrial Engineering—6514
Introduction to operations management and its general concepts. Integrated logistics. Methodologies of analysis for logistics systems. Design and redefinition of logistics systems. Distribution management. Orders management and storage. Transport management and planning. Introduction to production systems and production performance measures. Introduction to production planning and control: (1) Aggregate Production Planning, and (2) Master Production Scheduling. Material and capacity requirements planning. "Just-In-Time" concepts and strategies and Lean production. |
Paulo Sampaio Associate Professor
| Quality Management (5 ECTS) T:22,5; TP:15 Master’s in Industrial Engineering—6516
Introduction to quality, quality function, quality costs; Motivation for quality; Management, Leadership and Teamwork, quality circles. Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM). Basic quality tools and methodologies, Quality function deployment (QFD). Study of ISO 9000 series of standards; liability of manufacturers (EU Directive); Models of Excellence (EFQM and PEX), Statistical Process Control. |
2nd Semester |
Paulo Sampaio, Associate Professor
| Advanced in Quality Engineering and Management (5 ECTS) T:30; TP:15 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—7608
Quality planning Motivation for quality. Management and Leadership Workshops Quality Circles. Special control charts Short run SPC. CUSUM and EWMA charts. Essential elements of the Taguchi approach. Introduction to experimental design. Simple practical example of application. Concepts of Metrology. |
Lino Costa Associate Professor
| Applied Statistics (5 ECTS) T:30; TP:30 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—7572
Population and sample. Data types and scales of measurement. Descriptive statistics. Probability concepts. Random variables and univariate probability distributions. Expected value. Families of probability distributions. Estimation of parameters. Confidence intervals. Tests of hypotheses. Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Regression and correlation. Goodness of fit tests for large samples. |
Jorge Cunha Assistant Professor Director of the Master of Industrial Engineering
| Introduction to Economic Engineering (5 ECTS) T:30; TP:15 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—9691
Introductory. concepts. The model of supply and demand. Demand theory. The firm. Supply theory. Markets and pricing. |
Dinis Carvalho Associate Professor
| Lean Production Systems (5 ECTS) T:15; TP:15 Master’s in Industrial Engineering | branch: Industrial Management—6524
Measuring the performance of a production system. Dynamic Production. History of lean manufacturing. Principles of TPS. Concept of waste. The seven types of waste. Concept of takt time and cycle time. Little's Law. Value Stream Mapping. Methodology for Identifying Waste WIM. Production cell designs. Operating Modes and versatility in production cells. 5S technique. Standard Work. 5 Whys technique. Kanban and pull production. Supermarkets and logistical convoys. Reducing setup times of the machines. Production leveling. Continuous improvement. |
Sameiro Carvalho Associate Professor
| Logistics (5 ECTS) T:15; TP:30 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—7597
Introduction .Logistics: Introduction and planning. Logistics customer service; Distributions systems; Location strategy; Order processing and Information Systems; Transport planning; Storage and handling decisions. Forecasting: Introduction. Forecasting methods. | Senhorinha Teixeira Associate Professor | Numerical Methods (5 ECTS) T:30; LP:30 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—7582
Errors and stability of numerical methods, Solving nonlinear equations, Direct methods for solving linear systems. Least square approximation. Polynomial Interpolation and splines, Numerical Integration and Differentiation. Use of MatLab software. |
Nélson Costa Assistant Professor
| Occupational Safety and Hygiene (5 ECTS) T:30; TP:15 Integrated Master’s in Industrial Management and Engineering—7594
Introduction to Occupational Safety. Individual Protection. Fire Safety. Occupational Hygiene. |