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Department of Production and Systems Engineering   

The Department of Production and Systems (DPS) was created in 1976 and is located in the two campi of the University: Gualtar, in Braga and Azurém, in Guimarães. The DPS has its headquarters in Guimarães and is organised into two major groups:
Industrial Management and Technology;
Systems Engineering and Industrial Processes.
The DPS has a total of 43 teachers holding a Ph.D. degree and 10 invited teachers.
The core areas of the DPS are: Human Engineering, Systems Engineering, Engineering and Industrial Management, Economic Engineering, Statistics, Operational Research, Numerical Methods, and Optimization.
The DPS members are actively engaged in teaching and research activities that cover the above areas, having strong links with local industry and other institutions, as well as, several national and international universities.
Director: Paulo Alexandre Costa Araújo Sampaio
email: amelia@dps.uminho.pt; cmarques@dps.uminho.pt
Telephone: +351 253 510 340 (Azurém); +351 253 604 740 (Gualtar)
Fax: 351 253 510 343 (Azurém); +351 253 604 741 (Gualtar)
Departamento de Produção e Sistemas
Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém
4810-058 Guimarães
Departamento de Produção e Sistemas
Escola de Engenharia da Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga

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