Universidade do MinhoEscola de Engenharia    
  Universidade do Minho
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Projeto TEMPUS 

During the second week of May, from 04th until 10th 2014, the representatives of the WBC partners was visited the University of Minho, Campus of Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal, the partner on the TEMPUS project. This visit was planned in the scope of activities of the TEMPUS JP 543662-2013 EQIWBC project “Improvement of Partnership with Enterprises by Enhancement of a Regional Quality Management Potentials in Western Balkan Countries”.

The aim of this study visit was introduction with experiences from EU partners within the project’s objectives. Professor Sergio Sousa presented Quality Management Curricula at the University of Minho and Professor Fernando Romero told about instruments for enhancement of university- industry relationship. Marta Catarino from the Rectorate of the University of Minho presented the UMinho policy towards cooperation with companies. Professor Goran Putnik had presentation of Learning Factory Model and Laboratory Settings as Advanced Platform for Enhancement of University-Industry relationship. The representatives of the WBC partners also visited a company that cooperates with University of Minho (CVR, PIEP and CCG), campus of Gualtar facilities and technological park (AVEPARK) and spin-off center (SPINPARK). All partners had Workshop on UM models and experiences on university-industry relationship.

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