Universidade do MinhoEscola de Engenharia    
  Universidade do Minho
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13th to 16th November, 2018, Braga, Portugal  



From José Dinis Carvalho
, Conference Chair

Dear All


Planning for November's European Lean Educator Conference at the University of Minho in Portugal is now well underway, with the focus currently on the call for papers and presentations, the abstracts for which must be submitted by 30th April.

If your organisation delivers continuous improvement training to its staff, students or customers, then please consider submitting an abstract - for example, it could be on a novel delivery approach, a best practice case study, innovations that link training with implementation, an innovative syllabus or simply how you have responded creatively to the challenges faced in order to deliver effective lean training.

You'll benefit not only from boosting your personal and organisation's lean education credentials, but also from receiving constructive feedback on your endeavours.

We are also pleased to announce that exceptional papers presented at ELEC will be considered for inclusion in a special edition of the journal Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations.
To recap, the theme of the conference is the Lean Educator's Role in Lean Development and attendees will learn and exchange ideas about the way in which organisations, managers, teams, workers use Lean education as a key enabler for effective Lean implementation and culture change.

There will be stimulating keynotes, opportunities to share best practices and participate in workshops - and generally to network and share experiences in teaching, educating, communicating and learning Lean, with major speakers including John Shook, John Bicheno and Isao Yoshino.

We are also inviting sponsors to support the event and benefit from a unique gathering of thinkers and practitioners from all over Europe - click on the button below for details of the packages available.

José Dinis Carvalho
Conference Chair



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