Universidade do MinhoEscola de Engenharia    
  Universidade do Minho
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Master's in Industrial Engineering and Management (MEGI)

A3ES Acreditation


Brief description

Career prospects

Awards and schorlaship




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A3ES Acreditation
On July 31 of 2020, the Assessment and Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (A3ES) decided to unconditionally accredit MEGI, for a period of 6 years, in accordance with the recommendation and justification compiled by the corresponding External Assessment Team. More information on the reports compiled by A3ESS . 

The degree is awarded to students who have completed 120 European Credit Units (ECTS).
The master's degree is awarded to students who have completed 120 European Credit Units (ECTS).

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Brief description
Industrial Engineering and Management carries out its activity aiming to rationalise resource usage (machinery, transportation systems, tools, computing resources, people, space, financial resources, etc.) in industrial and services companies in order to improve their overall performance.

The aim of the program is to train staff with technical and scientific knowledge to guarantee a competitive development for their companies production systems.
The program provides the acquisition of specific skills which allow the application of engineering methods and the scientific principles of management to the productive systems of goods and services, in order to achieve the most efficient management processes integration and coordination, through the different types of human, material, technical, economic and information resources.

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Career prospects
A professional of this area is able to perform industrial engineering and management tasks which comprise all industrial companies (footwear, textile, metalworking, car, electronics, etc.) and services companies (banks, supermarkets, insurance companies, hospitals, etc.) from SMEs to major companies.

  • Organising/ Programming of production
  • Material requirements planning (MRP)
  • Inventory Management
  • Design/ Organization of Production Systems
  • Logistics and Distribution
  • Implementation Studies (Layout)
  • Project Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Industrial Optimization
  • Marketing
  • Investment Management and Assessment
  • Industrial Ergonomics, Hygiene and Safety
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Computer-aided Project
  • Computer-aided Production
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Technological Innovation

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Awards and Scholarships
Exclusive for the MIEGI
Awards from External Entities, School of Engineering - Luís Alberto Mendonça e Nuno Arém Pinto, to be annually granted to the 4th year student of the Integrated Master's in Industrial Management and Engineering, scholarship holder, without incomplete courses and with the best classification.

Awards from External Entities, School of Engineering - Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal, to be annually attributed to the best student of the Integrated Master's in Industrial Management and Engineering, with the highest grade on the dissertation.

Find information about: scholarships and awards, social emergency fund, academic merit scholarships, excellence grants and other scholarships and awards on the following link: Scholarships and Awards.
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Place: UMinho, Escola de Engenharia, Campus de Azurém, Guimarães
Schedule: alunos.uminho.pt.
Regime: daytime
Duration: 2 years
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Management Assistant

Directive Committee
Anabela Alves (DIRECTOR)

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